RTC - Road Traffic Collison Campaign

On the 7th and 8th of february students on the Uniformed Public Services course carrried out two rehearsals so that they were prepared for the RTC Campaign that is hed by the fire and rescue service every year. This campaign is due to take place on the 17th February. During these two days they learnt to work as a team and gained important communication skills. This campaign includes three of the public services and they are:

  • Fire and Rescue
  • Police
  • Ambulance Services
 Every year 60,000 road traffic collisions happen. 20,000 of them include young drivers. This campaign is to help raise awareness in young drivers. The Uniformed Public Services students will be split into three groups on the day and they are:
  • Gold Command
  • Silver Command
  • Brone Command
These three groups will be helping the public services on the 17th by telling them of any problems that they come across, how many spaces are in the car parks and of any deliveries that are being made.


S - Summon assistance              via 999 - Police
A - Assess the situation
D - Disseminate the following to the Police Control Room
C - Casualty or casualties          Condition of casualty or casualties
Some indication of nature of injuries
H - Hazards                                    Natural or man-made
Weather conditions at site
A - Access                                      Suggestions as to best route to incident site
L - Location                                    As precise as possible
Grid reference - 2 letter 100 Kim square and 6 figures
E - Emergency                             Urgency of the situation
T - Type
S - SAFETY                                      of all concerned

Tuesday 8th February 2011 Rehearsal

 Students using radios to keep Gold Command updated on anything that's happening (picture taken on the 8th February 2011)

One of the Public Services that will be involve in the campaign on the 17th February 2011 (picture taken on the 8th february 2011)

Thursday 17th February 2011 RTC CAMPAIGN

Thursday 17th February 2011. This was the day that our teamwork and communications were really put to the test. This was the day that we had to prove that we could form, storm and perform (Tuckman's Law). This was the real deal...

All was quiet to start off with....

All was quiet to start off with...

Infimary Road was cordened off ready for the RTC, all the uniformed public services students were briefed and sent to their deligated positions.

A map of all the positions and where the RTC was taking place..

the emergency services were called..,..